Own Your Network. Control Your Network. Grow Your Network.

AES Corporation manufactures wireless communications products that create private mesh networks designed specifically for fire, security, and facility applications. With AES technology, you have the freedom to create and monitor critical communications systems anywhere, eliminating the need to rely on third party providers for network connectivity.

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Private Mesh Networks

Minimal reliance on public service providers and no dealing with cellular sunsets means greater network reliability and a higher return on your investment.

Full Network Visibility

With intelligent dashboards and real-time viewing, our Network Management System (NMS) allows immediate access to vital network performance data.

Superior Technical Support

Whether you’re dealing with a tricky install or a network emergency, our service team is here for you by phone, online live chat, or video call.

Swipe Performance Systems Integration

"One cool thing with this design is that the guts come right out, and I was able to set them aside while mounting the enclosure. This was extremely convenient, and I like that I was able to work on the whole thing with my screwdriver perpendicular to the wall. The enclosure was also nice because there were no lips or inward facing edges also making the installation easier."

DynaFire logo
Per Mar logo
Central Alarm Control logo
Wayne Alarm logo

7177 Hybrid 2.0 Fire Subscriber

Start a new network, optimize network performance, or expand an existing network with the AES Hybrid.

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AES Training Academy

Do you have technicians who could benefit from AES product training? We offer a wide variety of ways to receive training on AES technology, products, and services.