You know how they say...
Good things come to those who wait? With more than 45 years of experience serving dealers and integrators in the fire and security monitoring industry, we can say with certainty that it’s true. In fact, building your own privately held network is the only industry telecommunications option that inherently increases the valuation of your business when you are ready to sell. Unlike public telecommunications plans, once you own your wireless mesh network outright there will be no pesky monthly fees that eat into your reoccurring monthly revenue (RMR) – factors to consider when looking at the true worth of your business. And now with the introduction of AES’ Hybrid Subscribers, starting your own network is easier than ever.
Post Overview
In this post we are going to discuss how life and fire safety providers who choose to build their communications networks on cellular or internet connections could be missing out on huge future profits. We will cover:
- Putting more money in your pockets by eliminating monthly fees
- How to take control of your monitoring business & wireless network
- The number one way to have full visibility of your network
- The most reliable kind of wireless network available
- How you can quickly start a wireless mesh network of your own
If you are ready to invest the future of your business, keep reading!

Are monthly fees weighing you down?
If you are running networks that operate on cell or IP, you can probably relate to the frustration that comes from being fixed into monthly charges. Sadly, when your network is at the mercy of public communications companies, a monthly fee will always eat away at your bottom line. Fortunately, that’s what makes AES’ suite of fire and burg products so different from other manufacturers in the industry.
We are committed to helping dealers and integrators build their own private networks, thereby taking back control of where, when, and how they expand, manage, and grow.
Take Control of Your Monitoring Business
In addition to public telecommunications companies locking your pricing into RMR structures, you have also probably experienced the frustration that comes from wasting valuable time and resources piecing together enough information to establish the best network prover to use in any given area. As you know, when networks change from location to location, your monitoring solutions are left varied – leaving a gap in the flow of how you manage monitoring all of your customers.
At best, this is unproductive and frustrating. At worst, it leaves your monitoring capabilities vulnerable and weakened, costing you and your customers valuable time and resources. In your line of business this could mean the difference between millions of dollars, invaluable assets, and priceless lives.

Owning Your Network Means Full Visibility
AES Corporation’s IntelliNet and IntelliNet 2.0 are a family of products and services that enable organizations within the life safety and facility monitoring industries to own and operate their own private wireless mesh networks. With our comprehensive Network Management System (NMS), you can take back full control of your network. We make it is easy to expand and fortify your monitoring solutions anywhere with confidence.
In addition to having full ownership and visibility of your network, you can also brand and market it as your own – because it is! You will have a competitive advantage touting your own private network that communicates faster than phone and cellular and holds up to geographical inhibitors and natural disasters.
How We Offer the Most Reliable Wireless Network
Unlike our competitors who rely on phone lines and cellular communications, AES products use radio frequencies (RF) to create completely secure and private networks that our customers own outright. If you are worried about radio being outdated, we urge you to reconsider. The fact is radio frequencies are the most reliable form of network communication established to date. That’s why RF is the preferred method of wireless communications for the global aviation industry, government security, and more.
With nearly half a century of innovation under our proverbial belt, we are proud to offer you the most reliable network for your monitoring business.
The Quickest Way to Start Your Own Network
There are a few ways for fire monitoring and security dealers to start their own networks. If you are interested in working directly with AES to establish your own network, the best options to explore are:
- The AES IntelliStart Program
- Purchasing a pair of AES’ Hybrid Subscribers
About the Hybrid Only Configuration
In a typical wireless mesh network created by AES subscribers, radio signals are sent from the nearest subscriber to an IP link, which then alerts the central station. However, the Hybrid is both a subscriber and an IP link combined. This means that all you need to create a foundation for your own UL certified network is two Hybrid Subscribers.
If you are interested in learning about the great Hybrid promos taking place in your area, submit your information below and an AES representative will contact you with more information!
Starting a new network in your region is easier now than ever before! Now all you need is two AES’ Hybrid Subscribers to begin your own private wireless mesh network. Contact us today for more information!
Do you want to learn more about building your own AES network?
Check out the DynaFire Customer Success Story today!